Sunday, September 2, 2012


In the MSSW program, we are required to intern 16-20 hours/week at an organization/institution that provides social services in the austin area, in addition to being a full-time student (12-15 hours of credit). I am a clinical student, which means I am focused on direct practice with individuals, groups, and families. 

We are placed based on our interests but do not get to choose or reject our first field placement, which is a nine month internship under a LMSW (someone with a licensed masters of social work). 

I was really nervous to find out my placement, as my interests vary greatly in the field. Mostly, I wanted to work within the child welfare system---that is any organization or institution that provides social services to children or families. 

I found out my field placement on Tuesday, and made my first contact/campus visit on Friday. For this school year, I will be working as a "Youth Advisor" for the Council on At-Risk Youth (or, CARY) at Dobie Middle School in North Austin.


" exclusively with troubled and troublesome students placed in in-school suspension, detention or removed to behavioral alternative learning centers. Average age is 13; 70% are minorities; 85% are males; 90% are poor. Students involved in assault, bullying and insubordination are referred to CARY by school administrators and counselors."

In layman's terms, I will be working with 11-14 year old students (mostly males) who have been referred by school staff, and:

 "...have been removed from classrooms for one or more of the following: fighting, physical aggression towards students or adults and assault on students or adults. In addition, these students also often display rudeness and threaten or harass students or adults."

In individual and group sessions, we aim to teach curriculum (as well as give support and set goals within) in the following areas:
  1. empathy
  2. anger management
  3. social skills
By the end of my term, I will have had to independently manage 4-7 cases (students). 

CARY's main mission is to:
"...move prevention and intervention programs into the public school system; and to shift public policies away from prison and jail construction toward prevention and early intervention for at-risk youth..."

If you are interested in learning more about violence prevention or social work in general, here are some helpful links:

CDC's website on gang affiliation/violence-prevention:

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