Friday, August 17, 2012


Public Potlucks. Probably one of my favorite ways of social interacting.

Why? :

1. Cost
Instead of meeting friends at a bar, over splurging to make the $10 credit minimum, and drinking something 3 times the cost of it's retail value, you can use the food already in your fridge  (and You only have to make one dish, and yet eat like a king! If you splurge and bring alcohol, you will most likely share different types with potluck guests anyway. AND if you are hosting the event, you will most likely acquire a plethora of leftovers--drinks and food alike.

2. Real 

Because people aren't out in a "hip" loud place impressing others and it's earlier in the evening, people are most likely (more) sober and communicative. Or at least that's what I've observed. Plus, you can eventually take the party elsewhere if you prefer.

3. Motivation to Cook

I'm an awful cook. Not necc because I am actually bad at the process, but because I just never get the energy or motivation to do it. Potlucks are a weekly opp. to push through.

We are having our 3rd potluck tonight, and many more to come. Pictures too!


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